ds:[1][There is sample data existent. Delete it?][Cancel|OK]
bd:[4 Element Voices can|only be sent to Bank D.]
sd:[SY99 Drum Voices can|only be sent to Bank D.]
ch:Checksum Error|for %s
al:[2][Scanned a ^0 with Device ID = ALL. Please set to 1 at the device.][OK]
bu:%s is busy - press ESC to abort
ci:[1][At this very moment, the current Voice should have been requested in order to get the correct Wave Card ID. However, the SY77/TG77 is not able to send the Voice Edit Buffer. So please store the current Voice, request it from the corresponding memory location in the Memory Manager, and double-click it. Otherwise, the Voice won't work correctly with your Wave Card.][No Message|OK]
a0:Connect %s ...
a1:Connect %s to Operator %c, Input %c
a2:Define Sum, beginning with %s, going into Operator %c, Input %c
a3:Add %s to Sum
e0:*** This Connection can only be done with a Feedback!
e1:*** This Input is already in Use!
a4:Add AWM to Sum
a5:Define %s as Carrier
e2:*** %s can't be moved (fixed Register)!
e3:*** %s can't be moved (illegal Register Use)!
e4:*** %s can't be swapped with Feedback %c (fixed Register)!
e5:*** %s can't be swapped with Feedback %c (illegal Register Use)!